Tim Mee Deuce-and-a-Half CARGO TRUCK Update #1
Posted by Jeff Imel on
Here's a small update about the Tim Mee #749 Deuce-and-a-Half 2-1/2 Ton CARGO TRUCK project. I know folks want to know when, how much, will it come in tan?, etc., but I don't have those answers just yet. Last May I sent off a vintage example to get quotes for a new mold and then....crickets. Here's the deal - some of you may recall the large scale Tim Mee #739 Jeep reissue finally arrived last fall, but was nearly 2 years late. That was due to several delays from the factory's toolmaker when a new wheel mold had to be made. Since then, the factory has been working with a new toolmaker that has been doing a great job reproducing molds (and also keeping on schedule). The factory just sent a vintage sample of the Cargo Truck to their new toolmaker to get quotes, so we're pretty much back to were we were last May. Once we get mold and production quotes we can take the next steps in developing this project.
One good thing is that a lot of folks added their email to the 'possible' item page I made last year. This really helps keep the project viable, so I've created a dedicated email list so you can let me know you support the 'Deuce' and also get occasional updates about the project's progress:

Thanks for your support,
Jeff at TimMeeUSA.com
Link to Previous Blog Post: https://timmeeusa.com/blogs/news/tim-mee-deuce-and-a-half-cargo-truck
Can you make World War 1 vehicle
Will this ever happen?
I can’t wait for another update! I have two vintage versions of this truck and they work really well in my army men stop motions. I can’t wait to see if this truck could be made in tan.
Can’t show my real name only my YouTube channel but please remake this with seats so I can put one of my sitting army men in it WITHOUT me modifying it
If you want to make your own army men, you need to start with a fortune and be willing to lose it all. It’s not unusual for projects like this truck to take years to be completed and often years overdue. If you just want to make a few, learn to cast in resin, soft metal, or learn 3D printing. Those are easy, and much less expensive ways to try our your concepts.