Tim Mee Toy Production News: October 2023

Posted by Jeff Imel on

Here's the latest Tim Mee Toy production news...

Tim Mee Toy Wheeled Vehicles:

We've been working hard to get these vehicles produced in Pennsylvania, and the old favorites are finally back. All the new 2.5 ton Trucks, Modern Armored Cars, & Combat Patrol Jeep sets include the Version 4 Universal Sticker Sheet that adds medical marking options. I'm not entirely satisfied with how the black and white serial stickers look, so may revisit that design in the future and am leaving them out of some product photos. The Modern Armored Car hitch has been revised so it's compatible with the Combat Patrol Artillery, and 4 piece packs of artillery will soon be available separately to pair with the trucks and armored cars. Here's the list of all the military vehicles that just arrived:

Toy Wheeled Vehicle

Some more color variants, Combat Patrol Jeep sets, and the new Artillery sets are expected to arrive around mid-November:

The Hercules AC-130 production had a setback as the big machine needed to mold the fuselage isn't ready yet. We have a backup plan and are still working to produce in time for the holidays.


Tim Mee Toy Civilian, Space, and Prehistoric Figures:

These figures sets and a 'Space Rover' variant of the Modern Armored Car just arrived:


The Galaxy Laser Team and Prehistoric Bucket sets should arrive around mid-November.

The factory is getting ready to make more Battle Mountains soon, and this run will include some new color variants:

The Rust Red color matches the mini-volcanic terrain in the upcoming Space Bucket set to represent Martian landscape

image TimMee

Product photography and catalog content for new items is in progress. It's a huge project, so thanks for your patience.

For the latest BMC Toys production updates, visit the BMC Toys Blog:

Happy Fall,
Jeff at Tim Mee Toy

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  • Great stuff!!! Thanks for making these old reliables for new kids to play with!!

    Kent Sprecher on
  • Sounds cool. Look forward to all the cool stuff you make. (Timmee, CTS, BMC, etc.) Any chance of you making any “new” male G.I. Army figures like the Army women? Will you be bringing back the big Mpc two piece pillbox bunker?

    Bobby Moore on

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