Tim Mee Toy Hercules AC-130 Production Updates

Posted by Jeff Imel on

This page will be updated with the latest Hercules AC-130 production news.

The Michigan factory that made Tim Mee Toy closed in 2021. Production moved to Pennsylvania in 2022. There have been a number of challenges with the extra-large equipment needed to make the Hercules. We know there are youngsters looking forward to the Hercules return, so this page is to let folks know the current status of the project:

September 2024 Update:
The Factory in Pennsylvania is trying to get production of the of OD Green Hercules AC-130 fuselage started this month. All the other parts are ready. Here's the other color variants planned for production:
  • TM-67791 Tim Mee AC-130 Hercules Gunship 29pc Tan
  • TM-67792 Tim Mee AC-130 Hercules Gunship 29pc Gray
  • TM-67797 Tim Mee AC-130 Hercules Gunship 29pc Black

August 2024 Update:
The Hercules AC-130 Gunship production is tentatively scheduled to resume in August. There is a form on the product page to be notified when available:

July 2024 Update:
There's no update this month on the Hercules AC-130 production. After making great progress towards getting the equipment ready, molding of the fuselage is on hold pending some unexpected factory scheduling issues.

June 2024 Update:
The stalled Hercules AC-130 production appears to be moving forward this summer. The big machine needed to mold the fuselage is working and the factory is running some smaller molds to fully test it before installing the 6000lb fuselage mold. If all goes well OD Green sets will be available around July.

May 2024 Update:
Some great progress was made in April and the big machine needed to mold the fuselage is finally coming back to life. The next step is testing it with a smaller mold to check that everything is working. This machine will also enable us to reissue other big items like the Tim Mee Toy Aircraft Carrier, Western Fort, and the 3-3/4 action figure scale Star Battle Spaceship (if there is enough interest),

December 20th Update:
Parts for the big machine that molds the fuselage have been located and ordered. The silver-gray weapon accessories have been molded and will also be available as a parts pack. I don't have an estimate when the first batch of Hercules will be available. I'm guessing around February, however further delays are possible.

December 8th Update:
I have some disappointing news. The big machine needed to mold the fuselage needs another part that has to be ordered, so Christmas delivery is very unlikely.

December 6th Update:
There's no progress on fuselage molding to report. The only other parts that need to be made are the silver-gray color guns and missiles, which will also be available as a parts pack. I'm holding off opening pre-orders until we are closer to final production. Christmas delivery is becoming more unlikely as the standard shipping cutoff dates are in just a few days. The new product page is up showing the Hercules with the fighter jets that will be included in the box:

December 2nd Update:
It's unlikely there will be production in time for Hanukkah, and still uncertain for Christmas. Parts arrived and were installed in the big molding machine, so the fuselage mold should be getting installed for initial testing later this week. This is good news, but setbacks are possible, and shipping deadlines are rapidly approaching. I'm setting up a pre-order site to help manage the fulfillment side of things as fairly and efficiently as possible. I'll be posting that information on this page by December 5th. 

November 22nd Update:
Production has started, but it's still uncertain if the Pennsylvania factory can produce some OD Green Hercules AC-130 Airplane Playsets in time for the holidays this year. The mold that makes the wings, props, door, ramp and wheels has already made a bunch of parts:
Tim Mee Toy Hercules AC-130 Plastic Army Men Airplane Wing and Parts

The really big plastic injection machine needed to make the fuselage is almost ready for testing. We won't know if holiday availability will be possible until a part arrives and is installed later next week. I should have an update in the 1st week of December. Here's a rare look inside the huge 6,000 lb fuselage mold:



Thank you for your patience and support,

Jeff Imel, President
VictoryBuy Inc.
Tim Mee Toy
BMC Toys

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  • Will you also be doing the c-130 parts ? Extras like the propeller the side door the missile ?

    Alberto Salceda on
  • Will the replacement parts for the AC-130 be available soon? Thank you.

    Trex2009x on

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